Breakfast Club, Wrap Around Care &        After School Clubs

Opening hours

Breakfast club: 8:00am - 8:45am

School day: 8:45am - 3:15pm

Wrap around care: 3:15pm - 5:00pm


Breakfast club

Breakfast club is open from 8:00am (please ensure your child is in School before 8:30am- entrance through Main Reception)

Our breakfast club is just £1 per day/ session per child. Parents need to book with Main Reception and pay in advance of the term. Ad-hoc bookings are not available due to staffing.

We offer a range of breakfast items: cereals (multi grain hoops and rice crispies), yogurt, toast (with or without jam), fruit (apples and bananas) and fruit juice. Children have the opportunity to complete games, puzzles and activities.


Wrap around care

Wrap around care is available from 3:15 until 5pm. (Collection from Main Reception)

Our wrap around care is just £10 per day/ session per child. Parents need to book with Main Reception and pay in advance of the term. Ad-hoc bookings are not available due to staffing.

Children can bring snacks to eat and take part in games, activities, complete homework or watch films.

Book now, or enquire by calling the School.


After School Club

All after school clubs are currently full. Please call the School to add your child to the waiting list.

Singing for Fun             

This will be run by Mrs Bullas every Tuesday after school between 3:15 and 4:15pm and is open to children in years 3,4,5&6.


Board Games Club         

This will be run by Mrs Slee every Wednesday after school between 3:15 and 4:15pm and is open to children in years 1,2,3,4,5&6.


Netball Club                

This will be run by Mrs Dickinson every Tuesday after school between 3:15 and 4:15pm and is open to children (Boys and Girls) in years 5&6.


SATs Buster Club             

This will be run by Miss Becker every Wednesday after school between 3:15 and 4:15pm and is open to children in year 6.


Multi Sports Club         

This will be run by Miss Lyon every Thursday after school between 3:15 and 4:15pm and is open to children in Reception and Years1&2.


Creative Arts Club 1        

This will be run by Miss McDonald every Thursday after school between 3:15 and 4:15pm and is open to children in Reception and Years1&2.


Creative Arts Club 2        

This will be run by Mrs Briley every Thursday after school between 3:15 and 4:15pm and is open to children in Years 3,4,5&6.


Recorder Club               

This will be run by Miss Webb every Tuesday after school between 3:15 and 4:15pm and is open to children in Years 3,4,5&6.


Gymnastics Club              

This will be run by Mr Seddon every Friday after school between 3:15 and 4:15pm and is open to children in Years 3,4,5&6.